Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Representing Prostitution In Victorian London

Representing Prostitution In Victorian London Nineteenth century England is commonly characterised by the successful expansion of an industrial society. Industrial growth defined the geography, economy and society of Victorian Britain, allowing for further establishment of the British Empire as a controlling and comprehensive Empire. The expansion of the urban society and the migration from rural life to that of the city worked to create a new public, with new social and economical opportunities. From the embers of the Industrial Revolution emerged a new middle-class. Complied of persons from varying economical heritages the new middle-class, those who had achieved significant financial success during the revolution placed themselves under a capitalist philosophy but defined themselves by their strict codes of morality. Such importance was placed upon social morality and respectability that was further clarified by domestic ideologies and clearly defined gender roles. The population of London was five times greater at the end of the nineteenth century than it was at the beginning and at its most explosive nearly tripled in two generations  [2]  . This influx of people moving from rural England to the urban environment of London had a resounding affect on the establishment of the city, socially, economically, politically and geographically. The industrialisation of the city provided many with new opportunities, which were not previously attainable and resulted in the rose of the new middle-class, the effects of which were polarized for many. Despite the vast expansion of other British cities as a result of the Industrial Revolution, namely Manchester, Leeds, Sheffield and Birmingham, London was targeted in contemporary literature as the prime example of an immoral urban environment. London was overwhelmed by the increased population, her foundations struggled to uphold the lifestyle migrants expected, and more often than not they were resolved to a life of hard labour, crime, disease and pollution.  [3]  Images of the lives of the lower and working classes were frequently depicted in the publications of the day, The Illustrated London News, The Graphic, The Saturday Review, The Illustrated Police News and the satirical Punch to name a few. One such image is Houseless and Hungry, 1869 by Samuel Luke Fildes, which, when published in the first edition of The Graphic, depicts a group of poverty stricken Londoners queuing alongside a large brick wall collecting tokens allowing them to stay in the Victorian workhouses overnight.  [4]  This image is in stark contradiction to MIDDLE CLASS ILLUSTRATION. Whilst these images show a distinct extreme in class identity, one can begin understand the varied social identities that circulated within London City in consideration of the following citation; ruling-class debauchee, masturbating adolescent, frigid middle-class housewife, precocious and depraved slum-child; the factory girl with her easy morals, the prostitute, the violated virgin, the lubricious working-class housewife, the incestuous alcoholic, the mothering pimping for her daughters; and more idealised types: fulfilled wife, attentive husband, chaste and informed student, innocent child.  [5]   Barret-Ducrocqs suggestion of Victorian characters shows how varied Victorian London was, and how class and gender affected the roles, which one could adopt within society. It was scarcely unexpected that representations of socially controversial figures found their way into prominent publications and paintings of the day. Chapter Two: The Women of London To understand the anxieties surrounding the figure of the prostitute in Victorian London one must first appreciate how women were regarded during the nineteenth century. Being that nineteenth century society was dominated by the middle-class, a result of the industrial revolution, one must account for social life before the arrival of the Victorian bourgeoisie. Before the development of the middle classes in the mid-early nineteenth century ideologies surrounding domesticity and moral responsibility were less prolific. It was the development, most prominently, of domestic ideology, which resulted in the significant decline of freedom available to women, Women enjoyed considerable freedom, status and authentic function during a golden age for women in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.  [6]  Mid-nineteenth century society, induced by the industrial revolution, was dominated by the concept of separate spheres. The prevailing ideology of separate spheres placed the man in the public environ among industry and politics, while the woman was resided to the private sphere. Thus women, mainly those of the middle classes, were expected to partake in the activities predominantly designated to domesticity. George Hickss triptych Womans Mission, 1863 narrates the concept of the separate spheres in a series, which follows the adult life of a moral and respectable middle-class woman. The use of the triptych form allowed Hicks to portray the varying roles associated with the nineteenth century feminine ideal. As previously stated the feminine ideal was, during the Victorian ear, rooted in the middle-class ideology of domesticity and moral responsibility. Entitled Womans Mission: The Guide to Childhood an image of a young woman partaking in the role of the doting mother begins Hickss series. As the title projects, The woman is defined as both physical and spiritual guide to childhood.  [7]  Neads statement is further encouraged by the symbolism of the woodland pathway along which the mother is tenderly leading her child and the manner in which she protects the child by sheltering him from the brambles. The central, and most well known, image of the triptych reveals a scene of the dedica ted wife tending to her grieving husband. This image known as Womans Mission: Companion of Manhood discloses the expected dynamic between husband and wife of the middle-class. His masculinity is represented as prominently within the image as her femininity is. The husband shows his character to be a moral and respectable male as he shields his weeping eyes from both the audience and his wife. Nineteenth century medical studies on the differences between male and female anatomy cited that women, as a result of their finer nerves, were more sensitive than men. Thus the archetypal Victorian man was widely represented as having control over his emotions and sensitivity.  [8]  The ornaments on the mantelpiece and the silverware on the nearby coffee table coupled with the fine and traditional Victorian middle-class interior support the feminine ideal, of a respectable wife dedicated to the pride of keeping her husbands house within this painting. The woman herself is portrayed as a fi gure of the feminine ideal; she is modestly dressed, in neutral and earthy tones, and leans upon her husband signifying the importance of the male figure within the domestic constitution.  [9]  The final image in the series Womans Mission: Comfort of Old Age shows the same woman as in the previous two scenes, this time, tending to an elderly relative. The prominence of this image is to show the continuity of the feminine ideal as it was expected during the period. The concept of the feminine ideal required at every stage of a middle-class womens life as, a mother, wife and daughter. Originally a doctrine of the middle-class alone, domesticity and the concept of the separate spheres began to infringe the boundaries of the working class. Hicks again narrates this concept in The Sinews of Old England, 1857. This image is similarly composed to Hickss later images Womans Mission where the female also stand alongside her husband leaning upon his left shoulder. Whilst this image shows the concept of the separate spheres in working-class circumstances it does not depict the domesticity and feminine ideal. The woman is decidedly different to that depicted in Womans Mission, her dress alone shows she is not of the middle-class ideal, the front of which is hitched up at the knee and she wears her sleeves rolled to the elbow suggesting she is ready to partake in the manual work common to those of her class. To support the differences suggested by dress are the physical attributes of the women. The lower-class woman reveals strong muscular arms as she rolls up her sleeves an d her complexion suggests someone who partakes in manual, possible outdoor, labour. This is in stark contrast to the petite frame of the middle-class woman who leans upon her husband for support. There are certain similarities between the paintings however. In both images the woman is shown as the keeper of the house, and in both it is the domestic accruements that highlight this ideal, behind the lower-class woman the audience is able to see the interior of the house in front of which she is stood. The similarities between the two images further stretch to the depictions of the men as the stronger gender. While in Womans Mission his masculinity it supported by his hiding tears from the public, the lower-class mans masculinity is show by his facing away from his wife and the domestic sphere and, as critics presumed, towards his source of work.  [10]   With such importance placed upon domesticity, moral responsibility and the feminine ideal by the middle-class it was not surprising that anything or anyone distancing themselves from what was often conceived as the norm or expected was called in to quested by Victorian moralists. The most questionable figure of nineteenth century urban society was that of the prostitute. The figure of the prostitute was not an uncommon one during the nineteenth century, as Dr Ryan, Campbell and Talbot citied, the number of prostitutes within the city was expected to be somewhere close to 80,000.  [11]  A wood engraving from Henry Mayhews London Labour and the London Poor, 1862 entitled The Haymarket-Midnight depicts a scene of London, at the Haymarket, where prostitution and deviant behaviour is plentiful. A social investigation by George Augustus Sala commented on the nocturnal activities of London, when among the socially deviant; A new life begins for London at midnight. Strange shapes appear of men and women who have lain a-bed all the day and evening, or have remained torpid in holes and corners. They come out arrayed in strange and fantastic garments, and in glaringly gaslit rooms screech and gabble in wild revelry. The street corners are beset by night prowlers. Phantoms arrayed in satin and lace flit upon the sight. The devil puts a diamond ring on his taloned finger, sticks a pin in his shirt; and takes his walks abroad. It is a stranger sight than even the painter Raffet imagined in his picture of Napoleons midnight review, and it is, I think, a much better thing to be at home and in bed, than wandering about and peeping into the mysteries of this unholy London night life.  [12]   What must be understood is that not all prostitutes were deviant figures for comparable reasons. The definition of prostitution was vast and varied according to where in society the figure was operating. Henry Mayhew in London Labour and the London Poor cites six different categories of prostitute; kept mistresses and prima donnas, convives who were separated into those subject to a mistress and those independent, low lodging house women, sailors and soldiers women, park women and thieves women.  [13]  Each of which, whilst remaining a deviant and immoral figure, certified their own social interpretation. Victorian representation of prostitution primarily focused on the lower class women of the city, however certain attention was given to women of the middle-classes who by some form of bad fortune found themselves in the world of prostitution. Known as fallen women those who transgressed the conventions of the middle-class, who negated domesticity and whose moral identity was dam aged caused particular anxieties for contemporaries. Known to be a society of sexual prudery, in reaction to the foundations laid by the new middle-class, Victorian society had to find a method of understanding and representing this ever developing social evil. Abraham Solomons representation Drowned! Drowned!, 1860 eloquently epitomises the varying discourses surrounding the figure of the mid-Victorian prostitute. Drowned! Drowned! was exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1860, the year of its execution. Having previously painted two social commentaries, which were also exhibited at the Royal Academy, Solomon hoped that this work would finally acclaim his name as a prominent painter of social modernity.  [14]  The work however received a number of reviews, which frequently shifted between positive and negative. At one end of the scale his work was championed, receiving awards for its contemporary relevance, while at the other it was seriously criticised. Originally created as an oil painting, Drowned! Drowned! is now only in existence as a wood engraving. The image depicts a woman, whom one immediately associates with prostitution, being pulled from the River Thames. Solomon has provided viewers with an easily interpreted image portraying the devastating effects of social immorality. The environment around the prostitutes body is laden with symbolic imagery devoted to offering viewers an enveloping narrative of the circumstances in which the woman fell to such a degree of demise. The image illustrates the prostitutes body now settled on the riverbank at Westminster, easily identified by the commonly represented Bridge of Sighs in the background. Her body is laid up against that of a lower-class woman, who in reaction gazes down at the lifeless body, an expression of grief across her face. The prostitutes figure held in the womans arms emulates the form of the Pieta  [15]  . This traditional symbolism is pivotal in representing th e prostitute as a victim within the picture. By admitting moral symbolism into the image, Solomon portrays the representation of juxtaposed morals within Victorian society. The prostitutes social and moral downfall is highlighted prominently in the figures surrounding her dead body, which further act as instruments in this depiction of juxtaposing morals. To the right of the dead prostitute is a group of lower-class citizens, whilst to the left of the dead figure stand a group from middle-class boasting costumes from a masquerade ball. Here we see two groups of stereotypical Victorian characters, which seen together increase the power of the image by allowing not only a statement of the importance of morality but also providing the scene with a full narrative. The left-handed figures represented aspects of the immorality within society, they stand for indulgence, extravagance, corruptness and disorder. This is contradicted prominently in the morals shown by the group of lower-class characters, whose hard work and responsibility is given as an example of respectability.  [16]  The left-hand group of figures are understood to be travelling home from a masquerade ball, a popular event among the higher classes. Their clothing suggests such an outing has occurred, they are dressed in seventeenth century attire with aspects of the fanta stical added through masks and capes. The use of masqueraders as a representation of higher-classed figures encourages the audience to consider their immorality. The word masquerade can be attributed to the concept of deception, to faà §ade ones identity and thus can be applied to the female figures on the left of the image. To contemporaries this symbolic meaning highlighted the immortality of such activities, the true class identity of the figures is hidden from the public, and thus the women featured may be little more than kept mistresses or highly risen prostitutes. This is again polarized against the image of the lower class women, who do not attempt to hide their social identity, these women, despite their lower class, were considered respectable within Victorian society. The immorality of the deviant middle-class is further exhibited in the image portrayed by the most forward male masquerader who contemporary audiences interpreted to be the fallen womens seducer. The narrat ive surrounding this figure arises from his surprised expression as he stares at the dead prostitutes body. The placement of the seducer within the picture enhances the idea of the prostitute as a victim of society. VICTIM OF SOCIETY WHY WAS SHE CONSIDERED SO? The concept of the prostitute as a victim of society at, is promoted in other Victorian imagery, however it remained that as a patriarchal society the promotion or display of male sexuality did not act to destabilise the morality of society. Ford Maddox Browns painting Take Your Son Sir, 1851-6, has occasionally been referenced with the theme of social immorality, though others believe it to be a purely representation of a wife holding a child out to her husband. The painting uses a traditional Madonna and Child composition, however shows the mother and child within a contemporary Victorian interior, which negates away from the concept of traditionalist imagery. The woman holds the child out in front of her, whilst the image of a male can be seen in the mirror behind the mother and child, a mirror which acting as a nimbus continues the theme of traditional Madonna and Child imagery, on initial viewing the woman appears to hold her child toward the audience. On considering the contemporary environment the figures are situated in, the absence of the father and the uncomfortable expression across the womans face interpretations emerged that this was in fact the depiction of a kept mistress holding a child out to her seducer .  [17]   Chapter Three: Representation in Paint Much like Drowned! Drowned! Augustus Leopold Eggs 1858 painting known as Past and Present provides audiences with a prominent narrative. However in Eggs work the tale is generally considered indisputable. Accounting for this definite narrative is the triptychs official title; August the 4th. Have just heard that B. has been dead more than a fortnight, so his poor children have now lost both parents. I hear she was seen on Friday last near the Strand, evidently without a place to lay her head. What a fall hers has been! The language within the title is fundamental in initialising the symbolism within the images. Aside from securing the narrative, the inclusion of such a citation allowed audiences to clearly understand the issue of morality within. The images tell of a man, known to us only as B, who has died and untimely death leaving two orphaned children. As the passage continues it becomes clear that his orphaned children are at the mercy of an immoral mother, who having fallen into the destitute world of prostitution has become a social outcast. The theme of the deviant woman is continued in her reference only as she and her, she has, as a result of her adultery, has forcefully become anonymous loosing both her class identify and social standing.  [18]  Completed as a triptych Past and Present was not displayed chronologically. When on display the first part of the series, Past and Present No 1 the scene of the husbands discovery becomes the central segment flanked either side by scenes year s after the central episode. When considered together this imagery allows an insight into a possible, and frequent, reason for a womans decent to prostitution. Adultery, during the nineteenth century was considered the most serious form of female deviancy. Whilst the image of the fallen woman or prostitute was frequently represented as a victim of society that of the adulteress was not permitted sympathy. Whilst is it entirely possible that other women depicted as prostitutes suffered similar experiences to that of the woman in Past and Present there is rarely any symbolism suggesting such disgrace. Naturally the Eggs image is occupied with symbolism hinting at her adulterous activities. The woman is seen sprawled across her floor, her arms are outstretched, almost reaching the lower right hand corner of the image; her fists are clasped together in a motion to suggest begging, though it is unclear who this is aimed at as her body is forced away form that of her seated husband. The womans face is hidden from the viewer, perhaps in tune with the use of pronouns to remove her social and class identity. Above the woman sits her betrayed husband . He is posed, with one hand clenched upon the tabletop the other grasping a single piece of paper. The audience cannot but assume the possibilities of what is on this piece of paper. Beneath his left foot one can just make out the image of a broken photograph frame, perhaps their wedding photograph or an image of her lover? From the figure of the betrayed husband the viewers eye is encouraged towards the presence of two paintings on the wall behind him. The upper painting is a print of Clarksons The Shipwreck, which debuted to a great response in the Royal Academy exhibition of 1856.  [19]  The lower painting shows the portrait of a man, suspected to be the husband, this mirrors a similar portrait on the left of the painting this time assumed to portray the wife. The individual portraits can be seen to show division within the marriage, a statement of what is to follow this scene of discovery. The most symbolic painting within the image is that above the portrait of the wife. T his frame is representative of Eves deviancy and expulsion from Eden. Symbolism reverting to womans first incident of violation is again referenced in the half eaten apple next to the womens strained body. Problematic for the viewer is the depiction of the couples two daughters within the scene. Whilst the younger appears oblivious the elder is distracted from the card tower they are structuring resulting in its collapse. The tumbling cards are balanced upon a book by the French novelist Balzac. French society was regarded as unstable and dangerous, its literature was believed to be a source of corruption and immorality and many contemporaries were concerned about the harmful reverberations of French morality in England.  [20]  The inclusion of this work of literature is used as method of anchoring the infidelity to a modern and believable cause. The second and third sections of Past and Present illustrate the lasting implications the scene of discovery had upon the women of the family. Past and Present No 2 shows the hardship the daughters suffer as result of having a deviant and adulteress for a mother, while Past and Present No 3 exemplifies the immoral and sorrowful existence the adulteress has succumbed to. As previously mentioned female deviancy in the form of adultery was considered the most severe, from 1854 this was the only clause in the initial divorce bill taken to Parliament, which entitled a husband to divorce his wife.  [21]  Though it was possible for women to divorce their husbands from 1854 onwards incest was the only grounds accepted, it was not considered indecent for men to continue seeing prostitutes or to have extramarital sex, partly due to the vast number of years their wives were expected to be with child. As Nead cites a female who commits adultery was condemned so on the grounds that it was see n to have the most serious social consequences not only in relation to their own social position but also, and more critically, in terms of its effects on husband, children and home.  [22]  Past and Present No 2 shows the two daughters, seen in the first image, sitting together gazing out of an open window. From their surroundings one immediately understood that the downfall of their mother had also resulted in their own fall from society. They sit in an attic room away from the new middle class and bourgeoisie lifestyle they were born into. Women who were charged with committing adultery were forbidden to claim custody and more extremely to see their children as stated in the Custody of Infants Act, 1839.  [23]   Critics generally understood Past and Present No3 as being set around the same time as the second instalment of the triptych. The third image represents the fate of the adulteress. Again the environment in which she is depicted suggests a lot about her social standing. Sitting beneath the Adelphi arches, an area between the Strand and the River Thames and a well-known dwelling for streetwalking prostitutes. The figure of a woman, the adulteress, is scarcely seen for the vast shadows and poor lighting beneath the arches, again immorality is referenced through the use of darkness, on first glance it would be easy to miss the child she is holding upon her lap. Nevertheless a pair of legs emerge from the confines of her dark shawl. Understood to be an illegitimate child we again see how the actions of the deviant woman can affect the life of her family. Whilst it was common practice to publicly condemn the adulteress, the figure of the prostitutes and very often that of the fallen woman was represented to society as a victim of the deviant seducer. As Egg manipulates the way in which his female character is depicted, that being from adulteress to homeless prostitute, he manages to produce imagery, which as in many images of the same topic, particularly Drowned! Drowned!, evokes the ideal of the victim. Where Solomon has applied religious iconography within him image, relating to that of Christs dead body so too has Egg. Thomas brings to light the reference to religious imagery by citing that Eggs image goes as far as to employ iconographical details usually associated with the Virgin Mary to transform this sinful woman into a type of Madonna. Thomas continues to note that the adulteresss change of clothes and environment seen to symbolize not only her tragic fate but a spiritual rebirth.  [24]  This can further be supported by the use of light within the image, potentially acting as a halo to secure her repentance. While Past and Present highlighted a scenario, which enlightened audiences to why a woman might end up working as a prostitute, William Holman Hunts The Awakening Conscious, 1853 focused more forcefully on the ideas of regret and remorse. The theme of the regretful prostitute was a common representation during the latter nineteenth century, particularly among the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood. The most prominent of these images are, The Awakening Conscious by Holman Hunt, The Gate of Memory, 1857 by Rossetti and Thoughts of the Past, 1859 by J.R. Spencer Stanhope. These three images congregate contemporary symbolism to tell their respective tales. As previously noted when discussing both Drowned! Drowned! and Past and Present a narrative that was accessibly to the contemporary audience was a primary factor in the painting of socially controversial images. While all three images provide audiences with a depiction of remorseful and regretful women they do so in varying manners. Both Hunt and Stanhope proceed with similar methods of symbolising the women within their images as prostitutes, showing various accoutrements associated with such a profession. Stanhopes womans profession is defined by the details upon her dressing table prominently the money and jewellery, which contradicts her shabby appearance and dockside residency.  [25]  Her profession is further hinted at in the inclusion of a males walking stick and stray glove. Hunt, in The Awakening Conscience, also uses the inclusions of such accessories. The composition of Hunts image encourages the audiences eye toward the clasped hands of the woman where one instantly notices the lack of a wedding band, a roughly discarded gloved and the unravelling of a piece of embroidery advance theories of her profession. The models loosely flowing hair suggests her intimacy with the male as does her close proximity to him, his arms circled around her waist. A stream of light flows through a nearby window, which lights up the lower portion of the painting. It is this stream of light, again as an allegory of Christian morality, which contemporaries understood to have induced the prostitutes moment of remorse and regret. The remainder of the paintings symbolism is dedicated to the further development of the female as a figure of remorse. Behind the figures we can see a wide-open widow, from which the light entered the darkened environment. The window provides the possibility of escape from this life of immorality; encouraged in the painting of the natural world this could be considered an ode to the morality of rural life. However the possibility of escape is then contradicted in the imagery of a cat toying with a bird just as the male figure has done with his mistress. Although the issue of morality was extensive in the painting of prostitutes so too was the subject of disease and infection. Dante Gabrielle Rossetti in his 1857 painting The Gate of Memory allows a manifestation of the Victorian Prostitute through association with dirt and physical impurity. Whilst the painting shares compositional similarities with formulaic interpretations of the topic such as the separation from a more innocent and honourable lifestyle and the use of light against dark as an allegory for moral verses immoral, though Hunt and Stanhope refer to the conflict between natural and unnatural light, Rossetti furthers the use of symbolism as a means of defining the prostitutes immorality alongside that of the cities. While there are no si

Monday, January 20, 2020

Compare And Contrast The Way Plath Presents The Speaker’s Fears In Thre

Compare And Contrast The Way Plath Presents The Speaker’s Fears In Three Of The Poems That You Have Studied Sylvia Plath writes poems that are thoughtful and intriguing. They have clever and subtle suggestions that leave her poems open for interpretation by the reader. Her poems mainly have themes with either an odd or disturbing nature. The three poems I have chosen to compare and contrast are; â€Å"Mirror,† â€Å"Bluebeard† and â€Å"The Arrival of The Bee Box.† In the three poems there are several different moods that are shown throughout. In â€Å"Bluebeard† the speaker remains in control all the time, she is defiant and makes her own choices in stating, â€Å"I am sending back the key;† she is rejecting him and it is always her option whether or not to. However throughout â€Å"Bluebeard† the speaker’s tone remains constant and never changes unlike in â€Å"The Arrival of The Bee Box† in which her disposition changes constantly. At the beginning of the poem the poem begins with the speaker describing the box calmly â€Å"I ordered this, clean wood box† this creates a pleasant image even though it is a â€Å"box of maniacs.† The box is full of something very dangerous. If the box were to be opened then the speaker would be unleashing hundreds of bees and yet she describes the box as being something pleasant instead of ominous and foreboding. Then as the poem progresses the speaker becomes obsessed and fascinated with the box and is unable to leave it, absorbed by the power that she possesses over the bees. â€Å"It’s like a Roman mob,† could be referring to the fact that the emperor in ancient Rome had complete control over the lives of the many people and she now could similarly let all the bees, â€Å"die, I need feed them nothing, I am the owner.†... ...oughts in the poems, it is definitive and final. The many stanzas allow Sylvia Plath to change the speaker’s mood and thoughts in each stanza. This, along with the language used which is awkward and difficult to read, has the desired effect of reflecting her feelings of confusion. She seems to be trapped between her feelings of obsession and fear of the box she knows she can not open. This is similar to the myth of Pandora’s Box where the woman knows she can’t open the box as there is danger in it and yet is somehow strangely drawn to it In general Sylvia Plath is successful in her endeavour to portray the fears of others in her poems. She is very skilful at writing about real feeling and involving her life in her poems to help incorporate real life situations into them. And by involving her fears into the poems this helps many people to relate to them.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Literature Review of Waste Management of Masonry Materials

Traditionally burned bricks constitute the basic masonry unit for the building of houses and it is good known that fabrication requires important measures of energy to bring forth burned bricks while using the surface soil. Following are few research documents in field of waste direction sing the facet of granite processing, fly ash bricks and environmental issues. Mamta. B. Rajgor & A ; Jayeshkumar Pitroda[ 1 ] : States that granite rock processing industry produces solid waste in extended amount in legion scopes where its predominant, which is expected to increase as field of building industry raises, Due to the overall production of granite industry has been increasing fleetly in modern times. It is a non-biodegradable waste which can be easy inhaled by worlds and animate beings and is besides harmful to the environment. It is predicted that about 175 million metric tons of granite dust are produced every twelvemonth and about 250-400 million metric tons of granite dust on site, which are significantly immense sum of waste generated. Rania A. Hamza, et.al, [ 2 ] :The aim of this paper is to use marble and granite waste of different sizes in the fabrication of concrete blocks, with full replacing of conventional coarse and all right sums with marble waste scrapings and slurry pulverization of content up to 40 % . The produced bricks are tested for physical and mechanical belongingss harmonizing to the demands of the American Standards for Testing Materials ( ASTM ) and the Egyptian Code. The trial consequences showed that the recycled merchandises have physical and mechanical belongingss that qualify them for usage in the building sector, where all cement brick samples tested in this survey comply with the Egyptian codification demand for structural bricks, with granite slurry has a positive consequence on cement brick samples that reach its optimum at 10 % slurry incorporation. Zhang Ji-Ru and Cao Xing [ 3 ] :Undertook an experimental plan to analyze the person and admixed effects of calcium hydroxide and wing ash on the Geotechnical features of expansive dirt. States that, â€Å"its fictile bound additions by blending calcium hydroxide, the liquid bound, and malleability lessenings by blending fly ash. Based on these consequences they concluded that the expansive dirt can be successfully stabilized with calcium hydroxide and wing ash. V. Karthikeyan and M. Ponni, [ 4 ] :Studied the use of fly ash in bricks. The fly ash can be fruitfully utilized for fabrication of bricks by integrating fly-ash, sand, calcium hydroxide and gypsum. The utile proportion found was 25: 4: 70: 1. Tabin Rushad.S, et.al, [ 5 ] :The purpose of the survey is to look into the strength and H2O soaking up feature of fly ash bricks made of calcium hydroxide ( L ) , local dirt ( S ) and fly ash ( FA ) . The trial were experimented both on manus moulded and force per unit area moulded fly ash bricks. It was noted that none of the L-S-FA bricks satisfy all the demands of standard codifications. While some bricks satisfy the commissariats with regard to strength, merely the L-FA ( 40: 60 ) bricks satisfy the demand of Indian Standard Code in regard of strength every bit good as H2O soaking up features. Veena G. Pathan, et.al, [ 6 ] :Sustainability in Concrete Production can be obtained by experimenting in permutations of stuffs used. Use of marble waste pulverization is non really usual idea, and at that place has been merely few research works done on the marble waste. Marble waste is a solid waste stuff generated from the marble processing and can be used either as a filler stuff for cement or all right sums while fixing concrete. It has been utilised as a replacing for all right sums in many literature plants, but this paper reports the feasibleness of the permutation of marble waste for cement to accomplish economic system and protecting environment. The experimental consequence provinces split tensile and compressive strength of concrete can be increased with add-on of waste marble pulverization up to 10 % replace by weight of cement. Earlier research besides indicates that the effects of intermixing marble waste on the belongingss of cement such as consistence, puting clip an d soundness is within the acceptable scope of different criterions. The production of more lasting and cheaper concrete utilizing this waste can work out the ecological and environmental jobs to some extent. F. J. Aukour, [ 7 ] :Suggests, Block fabrication mixtures incorporating the Marble Sludge Powder ( MSP ) have significantly higher compaction strength and low H2O soaking up, the block mixtures incorporating MSP are recommended for building in all its signifiers, in that the best mark market or absorbing and devouring such merchandises is the building field sector. MSP incorporation has positive effects on malleability, shrinking and denseness during all phases of the production procedure, presuming some alterations in the industrial production sector. Elham Khalilzadeh Shirazi, [ 8 ] :States that, In recent old ages big sum of rock waste has been generated in natural and unreal rock industry which has important environmental impacts. To decide these jobs, rock waste in different signifiers could be used in different industrial activities procedure in peculiar building industry and other activities such as glass, gum elastic, pharmacies, paper, ceramics industry, pigments, plastics polymers, fabrics or in articles such as soaps or tapers. Further, it can be used as agribusiness dirt restorative, acerb H2O intervention and dumpsite waterproofing. This paper reveals an overview of current solutions of cut downing environmental and economic disadvantages of this sort of byproduct. Nutan C. Patel, [ 9 ] :The chief aim of this paper is to analyze the production procedure of marble during the production procedure and how much waste is generated during the production procedure such as extraction, boring, transporting, cutting, smoothing & A ; completing. Marble waste is by and large a high polluting waste due to both its high alkalic nature and its processing techniques, which inflicts wellness menace to the environing environment. The preies and processing workss are littered with big sum of waste merchandises from extraction, sawing and smoothing activites. At present, no important attempts are in topographic point to retrieve and recycle the ultrafine CaCO3dust combined in waste slurries of marble processing workss. It can be helpful for sing these chalky atoms as primary or secondary natural stuffs for usage in other production facets, sooner for building intent. Ashish Kumar Parashar, et.al, [ 10 ]:The chief purpose of this paper was to compare the compressive strength of the different bricks, so for this purpose assorted per centum of stuffs were added individually 4 % , 8 % , 12 % & A ; 16 % by weight and so the compressive strength of the bricks was worked out, and so with the aid of graph plotted comparing between compressive strength of bricks are made out of rice chaff, wood ash, clay, wing ash & A ; cement was determined. Before fabricating the bricks, different belongingss of the stuffs ( clay, wood ash, rice chaff, cement & A ; Fly ash ) like screen analysis and specific gravitation were besides checked. After that bricks were made & amp ; sun dried and some bricks were oven dried & A ; so with the aid of Compression Testing Machine ( C.T.M. ) their compressive strength were evaluated. From this trial of this undertaking work it was concluded that the wood ash was that waste stuff, which gave the highest compressive strength. The ef fects of the add-on of rice chaff ( for firing out ) and wood ash alloies by a present – clay mix were besides investigated. The alloy was added in assorted combinations and proportions by weight ( from 4 to 16 % ) . The wood ash alloy, in line with its pozzolanic nature was able to lend in accomplishing denser merchandises with higher compressive strengths, high softening coefficients, low H2O soaking up rates and low impregnation. Niranjan P S Radhakrishna, [ 11 ] :This paper addresses the engineering of Making FaL-G howitzer compressed hollow blocks with low-calcium ( Class F ) dry fly ash as premier stuff. The FaL-G masonry hollow blocks were prepared without utilizing traditional cement. Sand and prey dust were used as all right sum stuffs. The different parametric quantities FaL-G masonry hollow blocks were determined. Experimental consequences province that the FaL-G hollow blocks are suited to be used for the building of masonry constructions. It was found that dry denseness was in the scope of 1.465 to1.654 g/cc, IRA was 3.92 to 4.4 kg/m2/min and H2O soaking up of FaL-G compressed blocks was less than 17.56 % . FaL-G hollow blocks attained considerable strength around 4MPa at the age of 28 yearss to utilize them as masonry units with equal modulus of snap. .Menezes. et.acubic decimeter, [ 12 ] :The waste stuffs, in the signifier of granite sawing wastes, lead to fouling the environment. Studied the word picture of ceramic bricks and tiles, wherein granite sawing wastes from the procedure industries in Paraiba State, Brazil had been used as an option to the ceramic natural stuffs. Surveies have been conducted on denseness, atom size distribution, surface country ( BET ) , chemical composing, thermic analysis ( DTA and TGA ) , phase analysis ( XRD ) , and microstructural analysis ( SEM ) of the above mentioned waste to find its suitableness of usage. It has been reported that the physical and mineralogical features of granite wastes were similar to the conventional ceramic natural stuffs. The work, reportedly produced bricks and tiles which comprised of waste stuffs and ceramic natural stuffs. It was concluded that the technological features of the Brazilian criterions were met by the ceramic organic structures. S.K. Malhotra et.al [ 13 ] : Probes were carried out by]into the development of bricks from granulated blast furnace scoria, which is a byproduct from Fe and steel industry. In their survey it has been suggested that by pressing slag-lime mixture and sand mix at a force per unit area of 50 kg/cm2and after 28 yearss of humid hardening at ambient temperature, good quality bricks can be produced. The compressive strength of the bricks has been reported to be in the scope of 8 – 15 MPa. It was concluded that the production of scoria based bricks consumes less energy compared to conventional burned clay bricks or Ca silicate bricks. Torres et.al [ 14 ] :Concerns with the usage of granite wastes obtained in the signifier of sludge from granite cutting industry. On incorporation and subsequent word picture of granite wastes into the batch preparations of porcelain tiles it has been observed that extruded bars or pellets with H2O soaking up of 0.07 % and bending strength greater than 50 MPa can be produced. The maximal possible permutation of sludge for felspar has besides been investigated. The experimental study shows, with suited granite sludge incorporation porcelain tiles with superior belongingss can be produced. It was reported that incorporation of sludge had negligible consequence on malleability, shrinking and denseness during all phases of the tile production procedure, presuming no alterations in the industrial production line. 2.2 Brief Summary of Literature Review By all the above diaries which are surveyed, the construct of waste direction is taken as premier issues and has been considered to carry through the present undertaking work. The diaries discussed predict that the reusing & A ; recycling for cut downing the disposal jobs as a major solution for waste direction. Hence, if fly ash can used for bring forthing fly ash bricks, the same construct can be adapted for minimising the disposal jobs for granite sludge waste which is generated as 30 % of granite rock processing. So hence in our undertaking analysis Granite sludge waste, sand, gypsum & A ; lime are used to make a new masonry block known as Granite sludge masonry blocks. Different proportions are used in fabrication of fly ash bricks, by utilizing Fly ash, sand, limestone & A ; gypsum sometimes. Percentage of H2O used is besides varied by different research workers, so per centum of H2O taken in our undertaking analysis is 4 % of entire mass as used by CBRI in their analysis for b ring forthing fly ash bricks. The CBRI ( the Central edifice research institute ) Roorkee has used Fly Ash 40 – 50 % Sand 50 – 40 % , Lime 10 % & A ; 4 % H2O by sing entire mass for fixing fly as bricks. Hence Forth in our undertaking analysis we will be utilizing granite sludge waste pulverization 20 – 70 % , sand 70 – 20 % , lime 8 % , gypsum 2 % & A ; 4 % H2O by sing entire mass for fixing granite sludge blocks. Various physical & A ; mechanical belongingss will be tested for above mix proportions for granite sludge blocks in our undertaking survey. Problem Context Granite rocks have huge application in the field of building due to their nature of beginning. Some of it applications are for size rock masonry, granite flooring slabs, as harsh sum in concrete and etc. During the procedure of fabricating granite flooring slabs which are used for shocking intent in commercial and residential edifices, approximately 30 % waste is generated in assorted processing activities This granite sludge waste generated has negative impact to Mother Nature. Hence reuse of this stuff demand to be considered to minimise the disposal jobs of granite sludge. 3.2 Problem Definition In this experimental survey, strength and other required parametric quantities are evaluated by fixing Granit sludge masonry blocks utilizing granite sludge pulverization, sand, calcium hydroxide and gypsum in changing mix proportions, by maintaining in position fly ash bricks as chief mention. Granite sludge pulverization is collected from local granite rock processing unit and other stuffs are purchased from local market. The trials are conducted in order to analyze the strength features such as compressive strength and flexural strength. Besides lastingness belongingss such as H2O soaking up and flower are to be studied. The consequences obtained will be transverse cheeked with IS code specifications Our Earth’s top most layer crust constitutes about 70 % of granite, which is formed by pyrogenic stone type. Igneous stones are formed by chilling of magma on the surface or crust bed of the Earth. Granite stone is by and large liquefied crystalline mineral construction which is easy seeable to our bare oculus. Granite rock has oppressing strength of more than 100 N/mm2; due to this belongings its application is huge in field of building. Its primary use is for size rock masonry and as flooring slabs, and besides beyond which secondary merchandises like coarse sum and M-sand ( all right sums ) are besides immensely used in many applications such as in concrete, railroad ballast and etc. In our present survey we have concentrated on granite sludge pulverization which consequences in treating activities of granite rock for shocking slabs such as cutting, smoothing & A ; completing procedure. This contributes of approximately 30 % wastage in these procedures, which is non-biodegradable waste. From above tabular array it clearly shows that prevailing mineral in granite stone is silica in signifier of Si di oxide, which plays of import function in strength addition in concrete. And besides the major cause for making Silicosis disease. 4.1.2. Fine sum Sand is of course happening farinaceous stuff composed of finely divided stone & A ; minerals fragments. The content of sand is extremely variable, depending on the local stone beginnings & A ; conditions, but the most common component is silica ( silicon di oxide, or SiO2) normally in the signifier of vitreous silica. Locally available natural river sand go throughing through 4.75mm & A ; retained on 150 micrometer IS screen was used as all right sum in our survey for fixing granite sludge blocks, which will be used as filler stuff in changing mix publicities in our survey. Basic belongingss like specific gravitation trial & A ; fineness modulus by sieve analysis trial was performed for natural river sand used in our survey Calcium hydroxide Lime as adhering stuff has been made usage since antediluvian times in our state. But at present, the cement revolutionist has replaced use of calcium hydroxide to great extent. And on other manus, bookmans say that the industry of cement leads to Global heating. Hence, in this present survey locally available calcium hydroxide of class-c ( hydrous calcium hydroxide ) IS 712:1984 specifications are collected & A ; used as a binding agent apart from cement. In our present survey to run out the H2O nowadays in hydrous calcium hydroxide, we have adopted sand drain method. Where a bed of sand is laid on the land surface over which the hydrous calcium hydroxide is spread over the sand bed and left overnight. After which the H2O in hydrated calcium hydroxide will be drained out and thick fat calcium hydroxide will be available for its use. Categorization of edifice calcium hydroxideClass A – hydraulic calcium hydroxide for structural intents.Class B – semi-hydraulic calcium hydroxide for lime concrete, plaster underseal & A ; masonry howitzer.Class C – fat calcium hydroxide for composite howitzer and for completing coat in daubing.Class D – for completing coat in white lavation and daubing, dwelling of Mg or dolomite calcium hydroxide.Class E – kankar calcium hydroxide.Class F – silicious dolomitic calcium hydroxide for underseal and completing coat of plaster.4.1.4. Gypsum Gypsum is a of course happening mineral of sedimentary stone class which constitute of hydrous sulfate of Ca. Property of gypsum is such it has really hapless solubility in H2O, which sets and hardens rapidly. Its initial scene clip is about 4 – 6 proceedingss and concluding scene is about 30 proceedingss. Gypsum of high pureness is by and large used as fertiliser in our state, such as ammonium sulfate fertiliser and low pureness in fabrication of ordinary Portland cement to move as a retarder, commanding puting clip of cement. Here low pureness gypsum is used as retarding agent in the mix proportions of granite sludge blocks. Categorization of mineral gypsum based on purenessType-1: Plaster for surgical industry.Type-2: As ammonium sulfate for fertiliser industry.Type-3: For clayware industry ( chinaware ) .Type-4: As retarding agent for cement industry.

Friday, January 3, 2020

The Generation Of The Aging Process - 1433 Words

As the clock ticks the years roll by, seconds turn into minutes, minutes to hours and before you know it days turn to years. Everyday lived is a new experience, perhaps the older you are, the more you have experienced. Life is an ever changing aspect each individual encounters. As individuals grow older things start to diminish or things they once were able to do turn into the things they are no longer able to do. In order to become a successful therapist it is important to understand all aspects of the aging process and how each stage affects each individual differently. To further my knowledge of the aging process, I decided to focus on the elder cohort. I interviewed a unique individual with a very inspiring story of how the ever-changing lifecycle has affected her and her everyday life now. Doris was born in July of 1938, she had four siblings, two brothers and two sisters. The family of seven lived on a farm and grew up in a very poor environment. Doris’s father died when she was only eight years old, consequently, she was forced to play an adult role. Although she was devastated by the loss of her father, Doris learned to become a mentor to her younger siblings. Doris’s youngest brother whom she favored and confided in the most, was killed in a car accident at the young age of twenty-three. Losing her brother took a major toll in her early teenage life, but also helped make her who she is today. The pain of losing her brother turned her world upside downShow MoreRelatedThe Generation Of The Aging Process1184 Words   |  5 Pagesstart to diminish or things they once were able to do turn into things they are no longer able to do. In order to become a successful therapist it is important to understand all aspects of the aging process and how each stage effects each individual differently. To further my knowledge of the aging process, I decided to focus on the elder cohort. 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